English Prep Tutoring

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New York Tutoring . NY . New York City . Queens . Private Tutors . Manhattan . Brooklyn . Bronx . NY . New York . New York City

Private Tutors . Tutors . Admission Essay Coaching . Homework Help . SAT's . Essays . SAT English . Editing Service


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Forest Hills, Queens, New York, N.Y

Private Tutoring

Principal Tutor Background

Essay Coaching by Phone

Services Include
Private Tutoring for  SAT English, Essay Writing,  Homework, Admission Essays,  and Goal Setting

Why English Prep Tutoring

  • Systematic build-up of ability by learning fundamentals of grammar, writing, and critical reading
  • Tutoring individually tailored to
    student’s needs
  • Harvard trained tutors


Why Our Fundamentals Approach

  To do well at SAT English and at school, one should build up one's basic ability to handle English before handling sample test questions. This is best done systematically by working on grammar, vocabulary, style, critical reading, and writing..

 SAT English questions test one's ability to handle English. The best way to get that ability is to build it up step-by-step. The SAT Board says "the best way to prepare for the test is to take a rigorous curriculum and challenging courses." (College Prep, Education Life, New York Times, 11/9/03, p. 13). A director of college admissions says "My advice always is...read a lot, and read with a dictionary" (Ibid., p. 14).

 But, SAT English questions pose various principles in a random order. Therefore, dealing with one test question after another is a poor way of to build up the necessary basic ability and a poor way to prep for a test. The SAT Board "has never given credence to commercial test preparation." "College admissions officials tend to play down the advantage of commercial test preparation." A director of college admissions says "It's unfortunate the test companies are preying on people's angst." (Ibid.).

 As for essay writing, it requires not only the ability to handle English, but also the ability to analyze ideas and develop an argument, which is even less amenable to formulaic, spot treatment. The SAT Board's The Official SAT Study Guide (2004) states "There is no formula for writing an effective essay" and advises "To write better, you have to read more" and "you have to write more" (pp. 100,103).

 Furthermore, "college admissions officers say the key to SAT scores is that they are consistent with the rest of the application" (NYT, op. cit., p. 14). The rest of the application is based to an important degree on grades. Getting good grades in turn requires systematic build-up of ability.

 To do well at the test and make the result count, then, it is far better first to build up one's basic ability and then at the end quickly familiarize oneself with the test format.

College Board plans changes to AP courses

EUGENE, Oregon (AP) -- The College Board, which administers Advanced Placement courses and the SAT, is quietly mapping out changes to some of its flagship programs amid concerns that they cover too much content and don't allow for in-depth study.


Harvard Graduate
Thesis Awarded High Honors
Fellow Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
Proven Track Record Of
Outstanding Student Results

Results with Fundamental Approach

John C. - high school grades improved from average to the 90's, and his SAT English scores went up 14%, helping him to gain admission to the college of his choice with a scholarship.
Michelle P. - succeeded in transferring to the graduate school of her choice and then being admitted to the doctoral program, helped in both cases by her application essays.

How Our Private Tutoring is Done
The Fundamentals Approach

    Our tutoring is individually tailored to the particular needs of the student.  We provide help with grammar and vocabulary and style.  For instance, given many words that are similar but subtly different in meaning, when a word unknown to a student appears in the course of reading, the word is explained and some related words are also brought to the attention of the student.  Well-written sentences are pointed out as helpful models.

   As for grammar, it is taught systematically, one principle at a time.  Making use of the learned principle, the student writes sample sentences, which are reviewed and, if necessary, corrected with explanations.

  In addition, our tutoring provides help with writing an essay, which requires more than the ability to handle English.  We provide help regarding analysis, argument, organization, word choice, and style.  Errors in a student’s writing are pointed out and corrected with explanations.

Why Private Tutoring

 In contrast to class instruction, which requires a one-size-fits-all approach, private tutoring is custom-tailored to each student's particular needs. For example, with respect to writing, one student may need to work on grammar more than on vocabulary. Another may need the reverse. Still another may need to improve the ability to express thoughts clearly and precisely. As a further example, one of the most helpful ways to improve one's writing is to receive corrections with explanations. This is done best, of course, in private tutoring. A good tutor can assist the student to identify those areas where there is a need to increase strengths and then provide the focused help required to achieve optimum results. 

Editing Service

Editing service is also available. Help is typically provided in three areas:

1. Argument development. Presenting an argument in a certain order can greatly improve its effectiveness.

2. Grammar. Contrary to common assumption, even educated writers often make grammatical errors.

3. Style. A sentence, even when grammatically correct, may still be wordy or awkward and require improvement for effective communication.


Anywhere you live, we can teach you effective essay writing by phone.
( We cover phone expenses. )
One  of our Telecampus Services both telephone & online

Phone Coaching

 We provide coaching for mastery of the three basic essay writing skills: 

1. How to analyze the subject.  For example, when asked to comment on a proposition, a key step is to ask: On what assumption does it rest and what do I think of that assumption? 

2. How to then organize your argument into a logical, coherent and persuasive form. 

3. How to express your message in a clear, readable and grammatically correct style.

SAT's - PSAT's - Essays

Services Include
Private Tutoring For All Aspects of SAT English
Clients include some students who, on the basis of the PSAT (Preliminary SAT), recognize the need to strengthen their ability to handle the SAT. The PSAT includes both the SAT's original critical reading component and the new writing component, less the essay. Our tutoring addresses both critical reading and the writing component, including essay writing. As an additional option, we also offer coaching on setting and achieving personal goals. This program has been found to increase self-efficacy and enhance student focus. 

Who Can Benefit

  • 7th. and 8th. Graders interested in profiting from an early start
  • High School Students
  • College and Graduate Students 

SAT Test
Source from College Board - The Official Study Guide

Scoring of New SAT Test

Critical Reading
800 Points
Sentence completion  28%
Passage based reading  72%

800 Points
Identifying sentence errors 30%
Improving sentences  40%
Improving paragraphs  10%
Essay writing  20%

800 Points
Multiple choice  81%
Student-produced responses 19%

Online Resource Links

Harvard's University Application Page
Yale Admissions Website
Princeton Admission Application
MIT Admissions Page
University Of Pennsylvania Admissions
Columbia University Apply Online
Stanford Undergraduate Admissions
Brown University Admissions
Swarthmore College Admissions





Last Updated 04-12-2006