SimpleCare Physicians 

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Fairfield County

What is SimpleCare and is it for me ?

Name Address Phone
Lionel G Brown, MD

35 Tamarack Ave, Danbury, CT, 06811
Hand Center of Western Connecticut
Surgery, Hand  

John G Lunt, MD

35 Tamarack Ave, Danbury, CT, 06811
Hand Center of Western Connecticut
Surgery, Hand  

Stephen Jeffrey Salzer, MD

49 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, CT, 06830
Greenwich Ear, Nose & Throat/Stamford Ear Nose & Throat
ENT - Otolaryngology; Surgery, Head; Surgery, Neck


Peter L. Bertacchi, M.D

78 Harvard Ave. Suite 310,Stamford, CT, 06902
Physical Medicine; Rehabilitation; EMG; Sports Medicine; Trigger Point Therapy; Whiplash
Board Certified Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Holistic and Natural Methods and Supplements & Providing Motor Vehicle Crash/Sports/ Industrial Injury Care
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-5pm; other hrs. available for appt


Hartford County

Name Address Phone

New Haven County

Name Address Phone

Litchfield County

Name Address Phone

Middlesex County

Name Address Phone

New London County

Name Address Phone

Tolland County

Name Address Phone

Windham County

Name Address Phone

AAPP and SimpleCare Healthcare Concept

Simply stated the goal of the AAPP ( American Association of Patients and Providers ) and SimpleCare is to make healthcare affordable for patients while ensuring fair compensation for providers. Over 46 million Americans are uninsured and the number of under insured or not insured is a growing trend. How do you address the HMO problem of not allowing for necessary treatments, so do you become a victim of the insurance system when proper healthcare treatment is available. SimpleCare addresses this by eliminating the HMO or insurance company. Up to 50% of the cost of healthcare is consumed by administrative overhead (Insurance Company Costs). There are no forms, no approvals, no one telling you how you can be treated. By eliminating the insurance company physicians can charge 30 to 50 percent less for their services. They get cash right away from the patient and actually make more by charging a lot less. The patient does not wait filling out forms, but sees the doctor and the doctor can spend more time with his patient. No premiums, no co-pays, no benefits denied, just premium health care for a fair cost.  SimplyCare is simple, the patient pays cash on each visit and eliminates up to 50% of the cost of health care. SimpleCare is a plan sponsored by AAPP. What is the cost to belong to this plan ? AAPP SimpleCare membership fee ($20 per individual or $35 per family).

The doctor treats the patient. 

The patient pays a fair price for the treatment.

That's it. 

It's that simple.

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